Seriously exhausted today, and sore! The Wednesday aerobic instructor had a hurt arm so she focused on the inner thigh for a change, and today I am feeling it! Today I did a long workout, 1 hour of steady cardio on the elliptical, just chatted with the guys at the gym and the time flew by. (600 calories burned) Then I did an hour of upper body weights (8lbs, just for my records). I can barely must the energy to walk up the stairs. With Monday being a holiday I had to make up for that missed workout so I really worked hard this week. I got in quite a lot of exercise these past few days. I'm really tired last night I went to bed at an unheard of 10:30, I just couldn't keep my eyes open!
Breakfast 2 french toast with fresh strawberries and maple syrup
Workout: 2 hours at the gym
Lunch: Beef Barley Soup, handful of chocolate Easter eggs.
Dinner: Pumpkin ravioli, broccoli, grilled chicken and toasted pine nuts.
2 hrs at the Gym!! Ouch! You're gonna have a smokin' hot bod when you're done this, Toni! LOL!! You're doing awesome!